Tag Archives: 98 003

BR98 DB Piko – Steam locomotive with tender, HO scale

This is a cheap locomotive from a cheap start set. It’s a 12V DC model from Piko.

It is a very light locomotive, so don’t expect it to pull heavy wagons. I don’t think the model is too realistic, because it reaches too high speeds, because of the transmission. At top speed, it almost flips over in tight curves (but as it starts to lift one side from the tracks, the power supply is cut off, and then the locomotive comes back on the track without derailing). It’s fun to see it move at high speed. It doesn’t have lights at all, but at least the coupling rods are mobile. The visual effect is great. Unfortunately, the locomotive is very noisy and the electric engine’s sound doesn’t fit with a locomotive which is supposed to be powered by steam.

I don’t like the way the tender is connected to the locomotive, but I can’t ask much from a cheap locomotive. The tender has 3 axles and it is the most vulnerable part when it comes to derailing. The 3 axles have a certain degree of liberty, so that the tender could turn in curves, but when the locomotive derails, it’s usually because those 3 axles from the tender were not properly aligned when crossing over points or track joints that were not fitted well. Because the tender is light (it doesn’t have any extra weight to make it heavier) it tends to hop when it runs over track joints which are not fitted well. Now don’t get me wrong, the locomotive works just fine in most of the cases, but when it derails, it’s usually because of the tender.

The locomotive is a great slider (it doesn’t come with rubber rings for its wheels, against sliding), so if you want to have some fun, you can turn it on at high speed, to see its wheels turn around on spot, until the locomotive starts to move. You can also make the wheels turn backwards while the locomotive still moves forward :D.

And if you go to a speed competition, you may win with this locomotive 🙂

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